Much to the dismay of taxpayers in high-tax states, 2017’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act created a $10,000 cap on an individual’s itemized state and local tax (SALT) deductions. In response to this limitation, 27 states, including California, New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, have implemented workarounds that allow for state tax deductions at a passthrough entity (PTE) level. This workaround, which involves the payment of passthrough entity tax (PTET), has become increasingly popular with certain small and midsize businesses.
Source: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
What are the benefits of paying passthrough entity tax?
In this scenario, a passthrough entity elects to pay taxes, and provides the owner with a credit or deduction for the tax paid by the passthrough entity. This lets passthrough entity owners deduct a larger portion of their income taxes paid against their federal income.
Can my passthrough entity take advantage of a PTET election?
There are several factors to consider in determining whether your passthrough entity can take advantage of this election.
Ultimately, determining your benefit in participating in an elective PTE or PTET will require several computations.
These computations consist of various elements, such as the tax implications at the entity level and how the deduction should be allocated between owners. In addition, it is important to analyze the impact of the deduction or credit on the owner’s individual state return and how the credit would affect the taxes paid computation for the owner’s resident state; the cash implications for the owners; the treatment of state credit refunds as additional federal income; and the federal tax implications on the owners.
Article by Zaid Butt, Director