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Taxation of Non Fungible Tokens

Nonfungible Tokens (NFTs) have gained immense popularity in recent years as unique digital assets that can be used to certify ownership and authenticity of associated rights or assets. However, the tax treatment of NFTs remains uncertain, which has raised concerns for taxpayers, tax professionals, ...

Tax Implications of the New Leasing Standard ASC 842

ASC 842, the new lease accounting standard from the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), has been in effect since December 15, 2018, for public companies and will go into effect for private companies on December 15, 2021. The GAAP lease accounting standard, ASC 842, mandates that leases ...

US Tax Court Ruling: IRS Cannot Assess Penalties Under IRC Section 6038(b) for Willfully Failing to Report Foreign Income

In a recent decision, the United States Tax Court ruled that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) cannot assess penalties under IRC Section 6038(b) for willfully failing to report foreign income in the case of Farhy v. Commissioner. This ruling has significant implications for taxpayers who may have ...

Federal & State Electronic Filing Perfection Periods

Have you ever wondered how many days you have to correct an e-file rejection and resubmit your tax return or extension to be considered timely? Per Publication 4163 Tax Preparers have the following grace periods to correct and retransmit returns or extensions that were timely filed but were ...

United States v. Colliot: A Landmark Decision Impacting FBAR Penalties and Compliance

The case of United States v. Colliot (2018) involves Dominique G. Colliot, a U.S. taxpayer who failed to file the required FBARs for his foreign bank accounts. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) assessed penalties against Colliot for both non-willful and willful FBAR violations. Colliot contested ...

New York Division of Tax Appeals Finds Owner Personally Liable for Sales Tax

New York Division of Tax Appeals Finds Owner Personally Liable for Sales Tax The New York Division of Tax Appeals recently issued a decision that serves as a warning to business owners who fail to comply with their sales tax obligations. The case involved a business owner who was found personally ...

The Fed’s Discount Window Lending at Levels Not Seen Since The Great Recession

The Discount Window lending is at levels not seen since the Great Recession, with banks borrowing billions of dollars in order to shore up their balance sheets and maintain sufficient liquidity.

IRS Launches Digital Intake Initiative

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has embarked on a digital transformation journey to streamline tax processing and improve efficiency. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has announced the commencement of its new Digital Intake initiative, aimed at modernizing and streamlining the tax processing ...

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